Product Name

Ionic Character

Application Field

GENSOFT MK 500CationicYellowing resistant, easily soluble, soft touch and slipperiness providing cationic flake softener.
GENSOFT S 600CationicHighly effective cationic flake softener.
GENSOFT ECO 6000Cationic Ecological and highly effective cationic flake softener.
GENAMIN PANCationicAntistatic softener for acrylic and polyester.
GENSOFT HS-LFCationicSoftener for cellulosic, synthetic fibers and blends.
GENAMIN KP 1YCationicCationic softener.
SOFTTOGEN H-90CationicConcentrated, hydrophilic, cationic softener.
HIDROSIL HBK 20CationicHydrophilic cationic softener.
GENSOFT SUPRA PLUSSlightly CationicSpecific universal avivage and antistatic softener.
AVISOFT SWPCationic/NonionicSewability convenience and avivage provides.
SOFTTO HIGH TEXCationicHydrophilic silicone containing softener.
GENSOFT PANTHERCationicCationic softener that gives an excellent softness and slipperiness to all kinds of fibers.
GENSOFT SLPKatyonikHer türlü elyaf çeşidinde mükemmel bir yumuşaklık ve kayganlık veren katyonik yumuşatıcı.



Product Name

Ionic Character

Application Field

GENSOFT NY 500NonionicNonionic flake softener.
GENSOFT BR 400 ENonionicEcological nonionic flake softener.
AVISOFT NYNonionicConcentrated, nonionic softener for cellulosic, synthetic fibers and blends.
EMULSION MDP/BNonionicEnhanced knittability and tensile strength providing polyethylene wax emulsion for yarns and fabrics.
COSMOGEN HAASAnionicBreathable, non-yellowing softener in paste form.
AVISOFT RRNonionicNonionic softener for cellulosic synthetic fibers and blends.
AVISOFT SURFNonionicNonyellowing, scrooping, filling and antistatic agent.
AVISOFT SPNonionicLiquid paraffin emulsion.
AVISOFT WONNonionicNonionic softener for cellulosic synthetic fibers and blends.
AVISOFT NEONNonionicNonionic softener for cellulosic synthetic fibers and blends.
AVISOFT JNPNoniyonikSelüloz, sentetik ve karışımları için noniyonik yumuşatıcı.



Product Name

Ionic Character

Application Field

GENAMIN QCationicConcentrated paste cationic softener.
GENAMIN SQCationicHighly effective softener in cream-colored paste form.
AVISOFT DDCationicCationic softener in the form of a dark cream colored paste.